HERBICIDES (glyphosate 360EC) VeeSate-1® Total Systemic and Herbicide; ideal for land Preparation in farm. Kills weeds to the roots. Excellent for control of Stubborn weeds (Paraquat 240EC) Rage ® Contact Herbicide ideal for the control of all young annual weeds. (Atrazine 80WP) Azine – One® Herbicide ideal for control of weeds in crops like Maize, Palm, Sugarcane etc. (Atrazine 250g/l + Ametryn 250g/l) DEZINY GOLD 500 SC® Selective pre-emegence herbicide with some post-em activity. Ideal for the control of broad leaved and grass weeds in Sugarcane, Maize, Pineapple, oil Palms, Cocoa, Cotton, Citrus and non crop areas. Diuron 800g/kg 80WP OR Diuron 500g/Ltr 50SC DIU-FARM® DIU-FARM is a selective broad spectrum herbicide used for control of broad-leaved and grassy weeds in Sugarcane, Yam, Pineapple, Cassava, Oil Palm, Banana, Roses, Forestry, etc. (2,4-D Amine) Amine-One® Herbicide ideal for Selective control of weeds in crops like Rice, Palm, Sugarcane etc. (MSMA 720g/l) Veestar-1® Veestar® is a contact herbicide with some systemic properties. It is also excellent for control of Rottboellia, Sedges and total control in non-crop situations too. It is recommended for use in Sugarcane, Cotton, Oil palm and other tree crops. (Propanil 360g/l + 2,4-D amine 200g/l) OurRyce ® Systemic and selective Rice herbicide ideal for the control of wide spectrum of grasses, broadleaves and annual sedges (DSMA 74.5% + DIURON 6.3% + 2,4-D 16.5%) PREMIX FLO ® Premix Flo is a cocktail of 3 herbicides in 1 to increase the spectrum of weed control in Sugarcane with prolong residual activity. It comes with higher efficiency and good economic rate. INSECTICIDES (DDVP 1,000EC) Diclos-One® Contact and Stomach Poison. Multipurpose insecticide for control of all stages of insect pests ( 30g/l Cypermethrin + 250g/l Dimetoate) Cyper-Combi® Contact and Systemic stomach poison, excellent control of most pests of arable crops like cowpea, vegetables, cotton, maize, It has remarkable control of Pod borers (Lambda Cyhalothrin 2.5g/Ltr) LAMA-One® Contact and Systemic. Target pests include: Worms, Weevils, Bugs, Thrips, Caterpillars, Mites, Loopers, Miners, Whiteflies and Grasshoppers (Cypermetrin 10EC) Cyper-One® Excellent in the control of most pests of arable crops like cowpea, vegetables, cotton, maize and other cereal crops. Target pests include :Worms, Weevils, Bugs, Thrips, Caterpillars, Mites, Loopers, Miners, Whiteflies and Grasshoppers (chloropyrifos 480EC) Pyros-One® A contact insecticide with high potency in the control of Termites on trees , surfaces of construction, Woodstock crops and Silos. It has excellent control of termites and most soil pests. Pyros-One® is especially suitable for treatment of sugarcane planting material against soil pests and termites just before the actual planting. POST-HARVEST STORAGE (Aluminium Phosphide 57%) Veephos® Fumigant used for the control of storage pests of Maize, Cowpea, Rice, Wheat, Sorghum, Processed Food and Animal Feeds. Target pests include: Termites, Mites And Crawling Insects SPRAYERS U-16 DOA Unispray® Agricultural Knapsack sprayers) OTHER PRODUCTS (Bentazon 480g/Ltr) BASAGRAN Basagran® 480 SL is a contact herbicide broadleaf weeds and sedges in Rice, Groundnuts, Soyabean, Beans, Maize. Contains: 480g/L of Bentazon as soluble concentrate (SC). (Dicamba 160gm/L + Topramezone 50gm/L) STELLAR STAR Post emergence herbicide for the control of grasses and broadleaf weeds afteremergence of Maize and Sugarcane. Stellar®Star is a broad-spectrum post-emergence herbicide for the control of annual grasses and annual and perennial broadleaf weeds. It is best applied when weeds have reached the 2 to 6 leaf development stage.